Brand Awareness Survey

With an increasing number of brands for almost all the products available in the market and an increased level of competition, it is important to assess brand awareness for your brand and the product associated with it. Brand awareness surveys can be conducted to collect data and assess the level of brand awareness customers or people, in general, have for your brand or product.

Benefits of using brand awareness survey templates:

  1. The brand awareness survey questions in the template contain quality questions as they are made after doing extensive customer, market, and brand research.
  2. Using the brand awareness survey questions in the template saves you ample time which you can use to look at other functional aspects of enhancing your business.
  3. The brand awareness survey questions give you data that is up to the point and can make a huge difference in enhancing your business and attracting more customers.

Touchpoints for data collection

  1. You can send thank you emails to customers along with embedded brand awareness survey questions as and when they purchase products of your brand or interact with your brand in a subtle manner.
  2. You can send your brand awareness survey link to their registered number along with the thank you message as and when they purchase products of your brand or interact with your brand in a subtle manner.
  3. At the billing counter you can ask customers to fill out the brand awareness survey questions to access which brand is being acknowledged and where your brand is lagging behind.
  4. If you have an app or are affiliated with any such service provider, you can send the brand awareness survey there, when a customer interacts with your brand in a subtle manner.