Hotel Guest Survey Template​

The success of any hotel totally depends on the overall customer satisfaction. Hotel management is purely a managerial task and for the success of any hotel it is important to keep your customers happy and keep a track of their views and opinion about your services. The best way to keep track of your customers’ views is to ask them about your services through hotel guest survey questions and keep a track of all the data collected. Analyzing and reflecting on that data can give you various insights only if you choose the right set of questions to ask from your customers. For this reason, you should use a ready to use hotel guest survey which comes along with some added benefits, proved to be extremely useful while looking at customer’s insights.

Benefits of using hotel guest survey template

  1. The hotel guest survey questions in the template contain quality questions, covering all aspects of your services.
  2. Using the hotel guest survey questions in the template saves you ample amount of time as you need not worry about anything relating to your survey.
  3. The hotel guest survey questions give you quality data as the questions are framed after extensive customer research and can make a huge difference in enhancing your business.

Touchpoints for data collection:

  1. You can send your survey link on their registered number along with the thank you message.
  2. You can send thank you emails to customers along with embedded restaurant survey questions.
  3. At the billing counter you can ask customers to fill out the restaurant survey questions.
  4. If you have an app or are affiliated with any such platform, you can share the hotel guest survey there once a customer checks out from the hotel.